Where to drink / where to eat?
NEW July 2022 L'ATELIER - Restaurant, bar, café gourmand - 04 71 04 92 94
LES FERMIERS DU MEZENC - Restaurant - 04 71 08 34 30
LES CALADES - Restaurant - 04 71 03 85 27
LA MAISOIN FORESTIERE - Bar & restaurant - 04 71 08 35 66
LE BAR DES CÉVENNES - 04 71 08 34 95 (snack in season)
TABLE DES MAQUIGNONS (anct 3 Monts) - restaurant - bar - 04 71 08 35 06
LA TRAVERSE - Restaurant - 04 71 08 71 32
SNACK DU LUGIK PARC - 04 71 08 60 97
BOUCHERIE RÉGIS MARION: its Fin Gras, its charcuterie, its maôche
BAKERY: fresh bread and pastries every day in season
LE FOURNIL DE JOJO: organic breads on Friday afternoon and Saturday morning
THE MÉZENC HEDGES : organic honey from Gérard Fargier, the incomparable pure honey gingerbread from Rachel, products based on honey and propolis
LES FERMIERS DU MÉZENC: local products for direct sale
NEW ! LE BAZAR DES MARMOTTES: souvenirs, postcards
HAZELNUT TREES: local products
HERBORISTERY - BREWERY : herbal products, essential oils, books, cosmetic workshops, organic craft beer brewed in Les Estables
(which you can taste with us!)
POTTERY (Daniel & Christine Rault): rue de l'Alambre - 06 83 54 75 90
PHONOLITE : sports equipment, ski rental
MICHEL SPORT RENTAL : ski rental, gas pumps 24/24
VIVAL "Au Panier des Marmottes"
Without forgetting the Thursday market and the Sunday market from June to August.
CROSSROADS : the hiking site
REGIONAL NATURAL PARK of the Monts d'Ardèche
AUVERGNE HOLIDAYS : Haute-Loire as you've never seen it before
HIKING MONTS D'ARDÈCHE : 3 original itinerant hikes
Sports & relaxation
Well-being Mézenc : Pilates, stretching, massages, do in,
Nordic walking with Laurence Michel
Nature Hiking Guide : accompanied hikes. Rental of muscular and electric bikes. Contact the office of Guide Nature Randonnée, near Epilobe. Book your four-season activities.
French ski school (ESF) : ski lessons for all levels
L'Autre Chemin: electric bike tours
Paragliding altitude : baptism, internships
Cape Liberty : bungee jump, Recoumène viaduct
Tarzan course : tree climbing course
Ardéchoise : the famous cycling race
Breathing : The site for outdoor activities in Haute-Loire
Lugik Park : 4-season rail tobogganing, an activity for all ages!
Wellness in the garden : Outdoor and wellness activities in Les Estables
Chik'ânes (St Front) : donkey rental
Massif Central Hiking: free or guided hikes, donkey hire
Marzoe Nature : sled dogs, cani-rando
The Angakoq Pack : sled dogs, summer, winter
Mézenc Loisirs : Rental of electric mountain bikes
Museums & visits
Museum of Popular Beliefs (Le Monastier)
School museum (Le Monastier)
Blue Lake Park (Champclause)
House of Fin gras (Chaudeyrolles)
Ardelaine (St Pierreville-Ardèche)
The Farm of the Perrel Brothers (Moudeyres)